@ToddPig you do it by logging into Paypal, look for “active subscriptions”
POOL Discussion Thread
i keep getttng an error saying i can’t join any more matches because im in 5 but im only in 1 match
@WarLord cleared out some old (possibly buggy) matches from your account - give it another try should work now.
@rayofhope did you figure out your issue? There are some nuances when using saved ranges with automator. Let me know if I can help.
@cruX had the problem when using firefox – switched back to chrome and it resolved itself. Guess potentially a firefox issue but could just be something on my end so i deleted.
works perfect now thank you!
Where is everyone? Forums looking dead!
Still playing every day but I think less new players are coming because we’ve been pushed down in that Reddit thread
I wish there was a way to get more players to this site, nothing has improved my game more than putting in reps on Melee and I really enjoy the challenge of playing new styles.
If anyone has forum accounts (2p2, run it once, etc) or can post on Facebook etc. to try to get more players I think that would help - going to try to make some posts myself.
Hey everyone,
I just joined this site and played a round. Seeing a data report on my play is a new thing for me and I was kind of curious how to go about looking at my spread and seeing where I can improve my game. I won the majority of winnings at showdown and lost a marginal amount prior to showdown. Of course it tracked my hands and all of that, but how would I determine what leaks I have? My Preflop % Open-34.80, 3-bet 0.40, 4-bet 1.9, Fv3B 5.60, Fv5b 5.6, call 24.2, Limp 7.9. My winnings were also highly dependent on Button position- SB- +137, Button- +2322, Cut off- (-102), Hijack- (-1229), lojack- +435, BB- +224.
Hey man, welcome! The way I use the numbers is to try to figure out what I’m doing wrong or should try to change. You can look up various ranges to see what percent of hands they equal, and see other people’s playstyles. You can do this in the preflop range tool on the site here too. At a glance, you and I play completely differently preflop. I open way tighter than you, but I 3 bet more. So based on that understanding, I know I should call and 3 bet you more often because chances are you opened with a weaker hand than I would have opened.
The positional ones give you an idea of where to look deeper. Positions you lose money from should be reviewed: are you playing hands poorly there or are opponents sucking out? If it’s the former, change something, if it’s the latter, play more the same way and it should balance out.
@FunkyButtluvin I think your line of questioning is spot on, you’ve identified the key element that differentiates one player’s style from another in poker.
There’s 2 ways to play fundamentally winning poker:
- Showdown based styles: Concentrate on winning showdowns or in other words make sure to win more at showdown than is lost prior to showdown. Players that adopt this style often minimize non-showdown losses by letting go of marginal/losing hands as early as possible in the hand.
At an imbalanced/extreme you see NITs. Winning solid players who have showdown based approaches are generally more TAG (tight aggressive).
- Non-showdown based styles: Concentrate on putting pressure on other players and winning all the small pots (think lots of aggression + bluffing). Successful players that use this style may even be net losing at showdown they bluff so much but their non-showdown winnings more than make up for it.
At an imbalance/extreme you see Maniacs. Winning solid players who have this approach are intelligently LAG (loose aggressive).
My advise would be to try both styles and see which fits your personally better. Then make it your own.
Thanks for your reply. As far as the position winnings I’ll play a couple more rounds since some of that could be due to variance of opponents and where they are sitting (I’ll try to see if my range is breaking down at those points). I browsed my open calls and there weren’t too many that should have been potentially three bets. (maybe about 5 hands that were high pp or AK, AQs). I guess I generally try to keep the pot smallish before flop in order to back out if necessary, be able to probe and get information, and then maybe inflate the pot if things are favorable. I probably do open with more crap hands, but what I like about them is I can usually tell it’s crap on the flop and I lose minimally… I try to avoid being pot committed with top pair or something like that (depends on opponent and situation of course). You were right though, I did open about twice as much as you did.
Just to be clear I wasn’t trying to tell you how to play, I was explaining how I use the numbers to make decisions on how I can adjust MY play. Was just trying to explain with an example.
Totally. I didn’t take it that way.
Whyyyy do I have to be immediately to the right of @Gramma like every time I’m in a match with him lol
Hahahaha, variance